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S E Ong

In two minds ...

To be honest, I am in two minds over Hippo350 Photography.

Like many of you, photography started out as a hobby, a distraction, a creative medium and a substitute for midlife crisis! Perhaps it is my innate unfulfilled nature, or a deeply buried creativity or merely an outlet for boredom. Whatever the reason, I found myself fascinated with the possibilities that photography offers.

Then the thought that ... hey, maybe I can start a photography service business on the side! I won't know if I don't try!

Hence this web site.

As Robert Frost penned:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

(I hope!)

You can see a sampling in the different portfolios - lifestyle, business, thematic, travel and more to come. This is a start...

And I hasten to add that my skills in photo-taking and editing are elementary. But willing am I to learn and improve!

Do give me constructive feedback and comments!

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